Developments in HEP Worth Tentative Excitement

See the update at the end of the post!

During one of our recent QC classes I was discussing the problem of epicycles in approaches to interpretations of quantum theory. The basic idea here is that we have an interpretation that looks really nice in a specific context, but when you go to more general settings (for something like de Broglie-Bohm) or test against reality (for something like GRW) you find that to save the interpretation you need to modify in ways you wouldn’t have thought to originally (dBB) or push some parameters back (GRW) to bring things in line with observation again.

During a small digression I mentioned that issues with supersymmetry are rather like what happens with GRW: You predict that a class of supersymmetric models that have very strong theoretical motivation should be seen at LHC-accessible levels of energy. Then you fail to see them and you go, well, there are these other models that only really show up at higher energy. Less compelling, but next in line…

And that’s fine in my opinion, but gradually one becomes increasingly unmoored from the strongest (empirically-based) motivations.

Anyway, I mentioned that the LHC has been rather heart-wrenching in this respect, at least for only partially-informed theorists like myself, due to its great success at finding something we were extremely confident it would find (the Higgs) and basically nothing else at the fundamental level.

Well, maybe there are some glimmers of hope? Check out this article:

These glimmers have been around for a while, but as the article describes, the imbalances in the decay of beauty quarks to electrons versus muons are becoming increasingly statistically significant. It’s way too early to be confident that we’re finding new physics, but a little bit of tentative excitement and interest seems justified!

Note however that even if there is an eventual discovery, it likely won’t be clear which of several beyond-standard model scenarios are the right one. And my read on this is that it would by no means be definitive evidence for supersymmetry. Still, discovering a new particle that hints at a new type of force, and the potential unification of quarks and leptons (electrons, muons, taus, and neutrinos) would be huge. For people interested in these sorts of things, these are developments worth keeping an eye on.

Update: Tommaso Dorigo posted a very detailed explanation of why folks shouldn’t get overly excited about the results mentioned in the post above. The statistical significance level supports further careful study (which the research team plans to carry out!), but could easily be explained as a fluke in the data at this stage. Here’s Tommaso’s post:

Are Quantum Computers Supreme Yet?

We’ve had a few discussions during class about whether or not quantum computational systems have clearly demonstrated superiority to their classical counterparts. Google is widely acknowledged to have achieved “quantum advantage” in 2019 with its 53 qubit system called Sycamore. There is still some debate about it because IBM claimed to be able to perform the same computation over a period of a few days on its most powerful supercomputer. Nature has a nice piece on this:

A little over a year ago a group in China built a photonics-based system that carried out a type of quantum computation (called boson sampling) in 200 seconds. Classical algorithms are much slower, clocking in at 2.5 billion years. Nevertheless, there are some caveats, the most important being is that the photonics system is especially suited to the task of boson sampling and is not a basis for general quantum computing. Furthermore, boson sampling itself is not known to have any useful applications other than allowing quantum computer systems to demonstrate “quantum advantage” over classical systems. Despite these somewhat deflationary notes, I think it’s an impressive feat!

More recently, a researchers were able to construct a programmable photonics chip. The idea behind such an approach is that photons can be used as quantum information carriers. My understanding (which is limited!) is that there have been problems with controlling and scaling up such systems, but that this recent work marks an important step forward in developing this approach. You can take a look at the “News and Views” article about this work in Nature:

There’s also a nice description of this in Ars Technica:

I’m not an expert in these matters, but it seems like the progress has been amazing.