Due Dates Reminders

After our meeting today I remembered that I got rid of the class schedule! So I’ll post some due dates here:

Homeworks: These are due every week on Friday unless I announce otherwise.

Project outline: Due the week before spring break. Friday (3/5) of that week at the latest.

Project outline presentation: The week after spring break. Details TBD.

Project report: Due last week of finals.

Project report presentation: Last week of finals. Details TBD.

Spring 2021 Quantum Computing – Fun Reads

We were recently talking about Claude Shannon’s information theory, and I recalled reading a nice overview of Shannon and his work in quanta magazine:


When it comes to controlling qubits, we still need classical processors. The trouble is that they heat up the environment and many qubit implementations require extremely low temperatures. This leads to limitations in the number of qubits you can actually work with. Some intriguing news out of Microsoft came out recently about chips that can function at ridiculously low temperatures. Personally, I don’t know enough (for now) about how much of this is realistic versus hyped, but it’s interesting nonetheless:
